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Our Toledo Plant Achieves AENOR Zero Waste Certification

Our Toledo plant has proudly achieved the AENOR Zero Waste certification, a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to sustainable waste management.

AENOR Zero Waste certification is awarded to organizations that successfully manage and recover the non-hazardous waste fractions they generate, effectively diverting them from landfills and reintegrating them into the value chain as raw materials.

At our Toledo facility, the vast majority of waste produced—an impressive 99.4%—is classified as non-hazardous. The primary waste types include sludge (40.52%) and fat (33.69%) from our wastewater treatment processes, finished products that are unsuitable for consumption (19.41%), and paper and cardboard packaging materials (6.38%).

To manage these waste streams, we've implemented innovative practices that turn potential waste into valuable resources. The sludge and fat generated by the wastewater treatment plant undergo a microbiological decomposition process that transforms them into compost. This compost is then used in agriculture and gardening, promoting a circular economy.

Moreover, the supplier responsible for the composting process is currently exploring an exciting project to produce biogas from the compost. If successful, this biogas could be injected into the national gas network, further reducing waste and contributing to renewable energy efforts.

Food products that are unsuitable for consumption are also processed mechanically to convert the organic matter into compost. The containers, once emptied and cleaned, are sorted by material type to ensure they are recycled correctly. Additionally, all cardboard, metals, and film-type plastics are carefully segregated and classified at our plant before being sent to recycling facilities. This process ensures that 100% of these materials are recovered and reintegrated into the production cycle.

Achieving the AENOR Zero Waste certification is a testament to our Toledo plant's dedication to sustainability and responsible waste management. By continually striving to reduce waste, prepare it for reuse, and recycle materials, we are contributing to a more sustainable future and setting a standard for effective waste management practices within our industry.

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