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Tuna Supply

Tuna Supply
Tunna Supply
Tuna Supply

One of the World’s Leading Tuna Suppliers

We are one of the world's largest tuna suppliers trading over 500,000 metric tonnes of tuna each year. We use a portion for our own brands whilst selling the rest to diverse customers via our company, Tri Marine. ​

Through Tri Marine, we benefit from more than 50 years of experience in building a wealth of knowledge, relationships and expertise in fishing, trading, and processing.​

We source over 90% of the tuna for our Rio Mare, Isabel, Saupiquet, Cuca and Palmera products directly, ensuring a virtuous integrated supply chain.

Rio Mare reaffirms its commitment to sustainable fishing and the reduction of bycatch

Sustaining Lives, Preserving Oceans

Almost 70% of our business relies on the ocean. A significant part of our sustainability strategy is dedicated to clean and healthy seas, biodiversity, healthy fish stocks, and livelihoods in coastal communities. That’s why we advocate good fishing practices, traceability, and transparency certifying our supply chains according to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) sustainability standards and work extensively with scientists, policymakers and community leaders to better protect resources and livelihoods.

About preserving the oceans

We Empower People

Sustainability is about more than just protecting fisheries resources. It's also about minimizing environmental impact, protecting workers and their local communities, and preserving fishing heritage as a whole. 

We want to do business in a way that has a positive impact on people. Whether it's employees, consumers, or the communities in which we operate, we're committed to doing good. 
Because we base our business on strong values, we always take human and social needs into account. We safeguard Human Rights across the globe and actively bolster our workforce through diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

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The best quality, unmistakable taste, the highest standards: that’s tuna done right.

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