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Certifications Prove Our Excellence

Continuous innovation helps us meet increasingly higher standards.

Certifications Make the Difference

We’re proud to uphold the highest standards for quality, sustainability, traceability, and social responsibility in the fishing industry. But you needn’t take our word for it; we have the certifications to prove it.


of our tuna complies with ISSF and RFMO regulations


of our products will be sourced from MSC-certified fisheries or credible and comprehensive FIPs

MSC Certified Fisheries

Today, almost 100% of our branded products are sourced from Marine Stewardship Council MSC-certified fisheries, or Credible and Comprehensive Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). In addition, 100% of the Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines sourced by Bolton Food comes from MSC/ASC fishing activities, or from FIP/Aquaculture Improvement Projects (AIPs).

We were the first Italian company to obtain international ISO 22005 certification for traceability
Luciano Pirovano
Luciano Pirovano Chief Sustainability Officer at Bolton Food & Tri Marine
Value chain

ISO Certified for Traceability

We were the first Italian company, and among the first in the world, to obtain international ISO 22005 certification of our traceability systems from DNV-GL. This is essential to guarantee food safety and promote the protection of the marine ecosystem. Certification also enables us to monitor complex supply chains, like that of tuna.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch

Seafood Watch, a program by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, assesses the environmental impacts of fisheries and aquaculture operations on marine and freshwater ecosystems. The program evaluates four key criteria: Stock Impact, Impact on Other Species, Management Effectiveness and Habitat and Ecosystem Impact. 

For our Wild Planet products, we prioritize green-rated tuna and only select yellow-rated options when necessary. We never source red-listed species. In 2023, we sourced nearly 4,768 tons of tuna under these guidelines.

Learn more about Monterey Bay Aquarium seafood watch
Bolton Food joins NAPA
Rio Mare reaffirms its commitment to sustainable fishing and the reduction of bycatch

APR – AENOR Certification

In Spain, our tuna brand Isabel was the first brand in the world to obtain APR-AENOR certification. This verifies that all aspects of our tuna fishing, from safety to the best social conditions, adhere to International Labor Organization (ILO) standard 188. The certification also shows we follow the most advanced environmental practices, prevent illegal fishing, and ensure maritime and food safety according to European standards.